Week 6 Discussion

Eric Zhao
May 8, 2021

I think with being labelled as a traitor comes with very heavy consequences by the state. Especially in Okinawa, who was rapidly brought into line with the other prefectures, there still remained a heavy sense of the original Okinawan community. As such, being labelled as a traitor resulting in heavy tensions and extreme distruct within the community. We see the direct consequences of this through the mass suicides and villages being razed, as well as effectively witch hunts for people who were deemed “spies.” As for the Korean women, I believe that this internal mistrust within the community led to apprehension towards the Koreans. They may have been seen as lesser because of the position they were in, but at the same time Okinawans may had been hesitant to speak out against this disgusting practice for fear of not being “Japanese” enough.

